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Friday, October 14, 2016

I'm baaack?!

Have you noticed? I'm the worst blogger? The worst. Pretty sure my last post was in March? Yes, I just checked. March. Like two seasons ago, or 7 months.
Clearly, lots has happened and I'll try to fill everyone in the best I can, and then try (I'm really gonna try!) to blog more regularly.
As far as the progress on the house, we've been in a bit of a rut. Here's the latest picture.

*cows not included*
It looks awesome, minus the dumpster, but it has looked exactly that awesome, as in unchanged, for the past two weeks. If you know me, then you know that this drove. me. crazy. Our superintendent rued the day he ever gave me his cell number. "what's going on today? Why isn't anyone working today? How long is that going to take?" At the end of the day, I'm living blessedly, but slightly uncomfortably at the Gatewood house on our property and I'm having some control issues. I'm working on it y'all.
 If you don't know, the Gatewood house is a super cool, super old, unair-conditioned, unheated, rock walled, rusty piped, crooked house...that I love, I do. I love it. But, it wasn't meant for long term living. I grew up going there for a week, a weekend, a barbecue, an easter egg hunt....5 months? Help me, Lord.
Last week, we had an issue with the well, that left us without water for 4 days, a flat tire, an injured dog (kicked by a cow, but he deserved it), and a scorpion sting for Carolynn.
Honestly though, I still know we are just. so. BLESSED. Even though things are not comfortable for us now, and we are just...waiting...we are healthy, we are happy, we are in love with eachother and with this land that we don't deserve. This is what it is, It is where we are. We will come out of this.

Thanks for reading. XO

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