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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A "Summer So Far" Update and project list!

My friends, this has been such a super summer so far! Swimming, baking, pretending, lego-ing, movie watching, reading, late pajama-ing, a week at the lake…..but no blogging.

I don’t really feel bad about it, we have been living this summer just like I hoped we would. Instead of editing my photos, writing, editing my writing, I’m napping, or reading or playing (I have been doing a good job of playing!) , or ok, ok cleaning. Because I can’t be a complete heathen. Even for you, summer.

We just came home from an amazing, fun and family-filled trip to the lake. We ate too much, took a nap everyday, read entire books, kayaked, paddle boarded, had underwater handstand contests, flew kites, caught tiny fishies in nets, drank soda and ate candy and...there was wine. It was so much fun. Brian’s (large) family has been taking a trip to the lake every year from something like 60 years. Seriously! Isn’t that awesome!? Family is something to be cherished and treasured. We are blessed beyond that we both have great ones. Really, really great.

Now that we’re back from vacation, I got out my calendar and penciled in lots of projects, small trips, and experiences for the rest of summer.

Here’s a list of some of the things I’m hoping to work on in the next month:

  • A gallery wall in Carolynn’s room (per her request) -I will share this process on the blog. There will probably be tears. From my eyes.

  • Sewing panels for my living room-We are adding drapes in the living area. I have panels that need lengthening, so thanks to a friend of mine (who has excellent taste), I have a plan in place and will share more when I get this going.

  • Making rod, and brackets to hang panels

  • Choosing and purchasing a shed

On a personal, not home related note, I have decided to start up a running program again that I’ve done at least 5 times before over the years. Like blogging, my strict exercise routine has gone down the slippery, summer slide.

The kids and I are still planning a trip to the movies, several trips to the children’s museum (they LOVE this one), a painting project (more on that later), a trip to San Antonio, a trip to my grandparents, rock climbing, lots more swimming, and more of the same lazy, but fun-filled summer days.

Stay tuned for some summer projects, and thanks for reading!! Happy summer-ing!

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