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Friday, May 26, 2017

Summer, I love you

Today is the last Friday of the school year for us and I am really excited for summer! Summer has always been my favorite season. Yes, I know, it's hot. People always feel the need to tell me that.
"But it's so hot." Yes, it sure is. I'm a native Texan, this is my time. I love the heat, I love the pool, I love wearing flip flops, the lazy mornings, church camp, summer camp, fireflies, snow cones, running through the sprinkler, family vacations, grilling, keeping your pool pony tail for DAYS, reading tons of books, the beach, the's just the best. I've always loved it.

From my deep pit of teenage angst, I counted down the days until summer camp like a survivor on a desert island. Scratching a tally mark for each never ending day until I could finally be "rescued" and go back to where I "belonged" : Camp.  Mom, dad, sorry about being a dramatic and unreasonable teenager.

So, here are a few outdoor projects we've done just in time to be enjoyed this summer.

Bring on the Summer! 

This swing used to hang out by my grandad's pool. The tree we hung it from is a bit outside our dining room window and had a swing-worthy branch on it, for sure.

The swing is chippy, and a bit weathered but I liked the look so I gave it a sanding to smooth it out and sprayed it with water seal spray.

Brian did some research and found that the most humane way to hang something from a tree is actually by screwing your hooks into the branch. That way the tree can continue to grow around the screws. (Hanging chains over can dig into the branch) We screwed in the hooks, then used "s" hooks to hang our chain.

A "nature tea table where I can have a tea party with all my dolls" was requested by Ms. C. She and Brian drew up some plans, looked at some wood scraps and put this sweet little table and benches together in an afternoon. The benches are blocks of limestone, and the table is a stump with a board screwed into the top. C picked out a fabric scrap that we glued on and waterproofed. The animals and dolls have been talking about it ever since. It's the best outdoor tea party any of us had ever been to. 😉

Over at the Ranch house, we re-mulched the bed and planted a few new native plants, like Mexican sage and rosemary, but also portulaca and sweet potato vine. This little chair has been broken for years, but we have had it stored away. We just knew we could think of something to use it for. I pulled out some screws, shimmied that pot in there and again, I waterproofed.

This old crock was another old treasure we've had for a while.

I just love that old fence. We are slowly replacing the fence around the house, but this fence stays. Since it's elevated off the ground (it's built on a rock wall), we'll leave it for "looks" and sentimentality. There are pictures of us as kids, out by the pool and that fence is there. It looks much less "rustic", but I just love how authentic it is and to me, it epitomizes the ranch house. "I'm hanging in there. I still work-kind of. I was built by hand, and built well." Turns out even a well-built fence can't remain functional for 60 years.

Anyone else favor summer? Do you like to be busy? Just hang out?

Whatever you do-remember, it's hot. 😎

Thanks for reading!! -Steph


  1. I think we are soul sisters:) I also love summer. The "BEACH" enough said. Love that swing it's amazing. Enjoy your summer my friend!
